Natural Language

Starcraft really is a curse.

steloflute 2015. 11. 25. 23:30

[–]Meeii 4 points  

Starcraft really is a curse. I'm currently home with two children and when I put them to bed I should relax, but as I love this game I go and play a couple of games before bed.

Then either two things happen - I win most of my games, I feel the rush and I go to bed with an happy face. Or I lose most of my game, feel how it's a waste of time and I tell myself that I should start to watch movies instead or at least play something more relaxing like Hearthstone (which I hate).

But in any of these scenarios I'm back the next night, wasting my last hour(s) of the day feeling the rush knowing that I really should do something else.

[–]EphemeralCraft 1 point  

But in any of these scenarios I'm back the next night, wasting my last hour(s) of the day feeling the rush knowing that I really should do something else.

You are me. It's like we just can't stop playing this game no matter what.