
Read and write Office documents from Clojure - docjure

steloflute 2016. 1. 7. 23:30


Docjure makes reading and writing Office documents in Clojure easy.


Example: Read a Price List spreadsheet

(use 'dk.ative.docjure.spreadsheet)

;; Load a spreadsheet and read the first two columns from the
;; price list sheet:
(->> (load-workbook "spreadsheet.xlsx")
     (select-sheet "Price List")
     (select-columns {:A :name, :B :price}))

;=> [{:name "Foo Widget", :price 100}, {:name "Bar Widget", :price 200}]

Example: Create a spreadsheet

This example creates a spreadsheet with a single sheet named "Price List". It has three rows. We apply a style of yellow background colour and bold font to the top header row, then save the spreadsheet.

(use 'dk.ative.docjure.spreadsheet)

;; Create a spreadsheet and save it
(let [wb (create-workbook "Price List"
                          [["Name" "Price"]
                           ["Foo Widget" 100]
                           ["Bar Widget" 200]])
      sheet (select-sheet "Price List" wb)
      header-row (first (row-seq sheet))]
    (set-row-style! header-row (create-cell-style! wb {:background :yellow,
                                                       :font {:bold true}}))
    (save-workbook! "spreadsheet.xlsx" wb)))

Example: Handling Error Cells

If the spreadsheet being read contains cells with errors the default behaviour of the library is to return a keyword representing the error as the cell value.

For example, given a spreadsheet with errors:

(use 'dk.ative.docjure.spreadsheet)

(def sample-cells (->> (load-workbook "spreadsheet.xlsx")
                       (mapcat cell-seq)))


;=> (#<XSSFCell 15.0> #<XSSFCell NA()> #<XSSFCell 35.0> #<XSSFCell 13/0> #<XSSFCell 33.0> #<XSSFCell 96.0>)

Reading error cells, or cells that evaluate to an error (e.g. divide by zero) returns a keyword representing the type of error from read-cell.

(->> sample-cells
     (map read-cell))

;=> (15.0 :NA 35.0 :DIV0 33.0 96.0)

How you handle errors will depend on your application. You may want to replace specific errors with a default value and remove others for example:

(->> sample-cells
     (map read-cell)
     (map #(get {:DIV0 0.0} % %))
     (remove keyword?))

;=> (15.0 35.0 0.0 33.0 96.0)

The following is a list of all possible error values:


Automatically get the Docjure jar from Clojars

The Docjure jar is distributed on Clojars.

If you are using the Leiningen build tool just add this line to the :dependencies list in project.clj to use it:

[dk.ative/docjure "1.9.0"]

Remember to issue the 'lein deps' command to download it.

Example project.clj for using Docjure 1.9.0

(defproject "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT"
  :description "Spreadsheet magic using Docjure"
  :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.6.0"]
                 [dk.ative/docjure "1.9.0"]])


You need to install the Leiningen build tool to build the library. You can get it here: Leiningen

The library uses the Apache POI library which will be downloaded by the "lein deps" command.

Then build the library:

 lein deps
 lein compile
 lein test