
(Oracle) Comparing Dates

steloflute 2013. 1. 4. 23:30


SELECT count(*)
FROM sessions
where sess_date > to_date('2003-09-03', 'YYYY-MM-DD');

but this query does not:

SELECT count(*)
FROM sessions
where sess_date = to_date('2003-09-03', 'YYYY-MM-DD');

when I know the date does exist in the database. It's driving me mad.


I suspect that you would have better luck using:

select count(*)
from sessions
where to_char(sess_date, 'YYYY-MM-DD') = '2003-09-03';

As for why your second query doesn't work... well, the most likely problem is that sess_date has a time component that's not set to exactly midnight. I'd suggest using to_char rather than to_date, though, as it gives you a little better control over exactly what you're trying to compare.



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